John Richard Ronsheim, Founder
Antioch College Chorus Reunion, March 22-24, 2013, San Francisco Many of you have been dreaming of an Antioch European Chorus '73/'75 reunion, and some S.F. Bay Area members are making it happen. A March 23rd, 2013, Antioch alumni event in San Francisco provides us a target date. We're keeping the weekend simple. You might want to sing or you might just join us to socialize, listen, and have fun. Either way, the group who do sing can give a very short "performance" at the larger alumni reunion. By having a 3 day schedule (chorus dinner Friday, Reunion events Saturday afternoon/evening and chorus brunch Sunday) we hope you might be enticed to come even if you live far away; and of course you can choose to come for one of the events or for all three days. To stay updated, add your email address below.
About this site
Check out the photo tours in the Photo Gallery. There are 9 tours in all, totalling over 80 pictures, including reunion photos and pics from the 1998 events in San Francisco and Seattle. We're linked! Todd M. McComb has listed both the 1973 and 1975 CDs at the Medieval Music & Arts Foundation ( site. A large part of that site is devoted to early music. Be sure to check out Pierre-F. Roberge's comprehensive Ockeghem discography where our CDs are cross-referenced. Thanks to members and friends of the chorus, we have recovered the CD costs. Income beyond costs will used to support chorus projects and reunions. Chorus members, to submit something for this site, please email Rick Ray.